Conscious Fashion Campaign
"The Objective of the creation of The Morphbag by GSK was the desire to create cruelty-free handbags without compromising on either quality or style. The Morphbag by GSK is made from premium faux-leather that feels and looks like traditional leather but is P.E.T.A. certified vegan. This withstanding, it is the non-vegan fashionistas we wish to prove that style and animal welfare are not mutually exclusive but are co-existent in The Morphbag by GSK."
Giovanna Sessi-Knott, Designer & Founder, The Morphabg by GSK
Accessories Handbags - Italian Design
Ethical - Animal Welfare - Vegan - Friendly - Premium Faux Leather SDG 15
Manufactured in China with highest precision and skilled craftsmanship in a sustainable and eco-friendly operated factory SDG 12
Imported, thus increasing the exports of developing countries SDG 17.11